The Gartner BI and Analytics 2015 Magic Quadrant is published
Gartner Magic Quadrant BI and Analytics Platform 2015 key [...]
Gartner Magic Quadrant BI and Analytics Platform 2015 key [...]
A Business Intelligence Dashboard is a visual representation of a company Business Metrics and Key Performance Indicators. It provides a snapshot of it's current position and provides actionable insights.
This year's agenda, built around the theme, "Crossing the Analytical Divide: New Technologies, New Skills," explores how to apply new BI and analytic capabilities to strengthen the business and advance new business models.
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Read the latest live news from Bernard Marr from the web about #BusinessIntelligence and #BusinessPerformanceManagement.
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The trending of Data Analytics, BI and Data Discovery has created a plethora of data visualisation vendors each with their own specialisations. We have started the process of providing a list of power vendors in the marketplace with the top 10 business intelligence tools and software.
We have become so used to using search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo that we almost live our internet lives around them, but how much time is wasted using these search engines, and how relevant are they really when it comes to results?
As more and more data is being produced and recorded by companies right around the world, organisations are looking for new ways to make use of raw information and Business Intelligence is rising to that challenge.