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Business Intelligence Lite Dashboard

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Business Intelligence Lite Dashboard 2015-04-04T05:44:21+01:00

Business Intelligence Lite Dashboard

Get started with better visibility into your business and projects

Business Intelligence Lite Dashboard for the Business Discovery PlatformOur BI Lite Dashboards are the best and most economical way of getting started with your business intelligence dashboards. We have some great dashboards whether you are a marketing professional, a CEO or run an eCommerce website. Our Lite Dashboards just need connecting with your data and you will no longer need to collate the information from all those different sources..

Your new dashboard will be part of your Business Discovery Platform that we setup for you free of charge and will enable you to add dashboards whenever you wish.


Service Data:

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Find out how to manage your business, department or project from one platform

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To experience our demo and realise the full potential of our Business Discovery Platform please either call or arrange a callback below.

Call for immediate access to our demo on:

+44 (0) 1202 901 311

Business Discovery Platform containing the Business Intelligence Dashboards

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